OSASCOMP is an acronym used to remember the correct order of adjectives in English when multiple adjectives are used before a noun. Here’s the breakdown of OSASCOMP:
1. O - Opinion (e.g., beautiful, ugly, lovely)
2. S - Size (e.g., big, small, tall)
3. A - Age (e.g., old, young, new)
4. S - Shape (e.g., round, square, flat)
5. C - Color (e.g., red, blue, green)
6. O - Origin (e.g., Cambodian, French, American)
7. M - Material (e.g., wooden, metal, plastic)
8. P - Purpose (e.g., writing desk, running shoes, sleeping bag)
A beautiful small old round red Cambodian wooden writing desk
Each adjective follows the OSASCOMP order before the noun “desk.”
This rule helps make sentences sound natural in English.