How to pronunciation vowel sound

 To pronounce vowel sounds correctly, it’s important to know the difference between short vowel sounds and long vowel sounds. Let’s start with examples and tips for each vowel sound:

1. Short Vowel Sounds

Short vowels are quick sounds. Here are the examples:

  • A"cat"
    • Open your mouth a little and say a quick "aah."
  • E"bed"
    • Say a short "eh" with a relaxed mouth.
  • I"sit"
    • Say a quick "ih" sound.
  • O"hot"
    • Make a short "aw" sound with your lips rounded.
  • U"cup"
    • Say a short "uh" sound from your throat.

2. Long Vowel Sounds

Long vowels sound like the name of the letter. Here are the examples:

  • A"cake"
    • Say "ay" with a wide smile.
  • E"see"
    • Say "ee" with your mouth stretched.
  • I"bike"
    • Say "eye" as if you are saying the letter I.
  • O"go"
    • Say "oh" with your lips rounded.
  • U"use"
    • Say "you" or "oo," depending on the word.

Tips to Practice Vowel Sounds

  1. Repeat Words Aloud
    Practice pairs like cat (short A) and cake (long A).

  2. Use a Mirror
    Check your mouth shape when pronouncing vowels.

  3. Slow Practice
    Say the words slowly to hear the difference.

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